Thank you for the kind words!
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Choice Communication (Canada) Ltd. has been our key partner in organizing and presenting this patriotic event since its inception in 2017, the year of Canada's sesquicentennial. Helen Yu and her team has conscientiously and capably worked with our national and regional committees in all respects, including conceptualizing ideas / agenda, contributing planning and instruction, recruiting and training drummers, sourcing technical / logistical support, and coordinating execution. We are grateful for her successful and timely delivery of services within our prescribed budget over the last three years. In fact, we achieved a Guinness World Record in 2018 for a category of distinctive group participatory drumming.
Richard Wong
National Chair / The Legacy 150 Celebrations Society
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我與Helen Yu及其Choice Communication團隊在過去的十年中有許多愉快的工作經歷。不僅僅是因為他們很易相處,還因為他們會考慮成本效益、做事效率非常高,並且對卑詩省的多元族群有很深的瞭解。我尤其是對他們與本地中文媒體工作時的能力印象深刻。 如若任何人需要一個專業的且瞭解溫哥華媒體市場的公共關係團隊,我會推薦他們。
Daniel Fontaine
行政總裁 / 卑詩省護理協會 (BC Care Providers Association)
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The Choice Communication team provided invaluable insight into the Chinese-Canadian market, which in turn helped create a solid foundation for our engagement efforts with this community. Helen’s team also worked responsively and efficiently to meet our translation and Chinese communications needs and has strong relationships with Chinese media. We are incredibly grateful to partner with Choice Communication. Their efforts have definitely helped us enhance children’s health care in our province
Lillian Hum
Vice President, Philanthropy (Former) / BC Children’s Hospital Foundation
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您在提供口譯和幫助我準備普通話和廣東話演講上非常有建設性意義。感謝您提供給我們靈活和專業的服務!溫哥華是一個多元文化城市,您無疑是市長辦公室的寶貴財富。在與公眾- 特別是非英文媒體,重要議題的溝通上,您組織媒體圓桌會議和處理媒體關係的工作,起了一個關鍵的作用。
Sam Sullivan, 蘇利文
溫哥華市前任市長 / 溫哥華市政府
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When BC Women’s Hospital Foundation was invited to join with the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant, it was Helen Yu and her team at Choice Communication that helped allow us to make the most of this valuable opportunity. From planning two major press conferences to assisting with the pageant’s gala dinner, it was Choice Communication’s leadership, grace and cultural understanding that connected us not only with the audiences but also engaged staff and volunteers as well. Their dedicated and collaborative approach enabled BC Women’s Hospital Foundation to exceed its expectations and raise even more support to benefit our community.
Laurie Clarke
CEO (Former), / BC Women's Hospital + Health Centre Foundation
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我們非常幸運有機會和Helen Yu及其Choice Communication團隊一起合作完成充滿挑戰的聞名專案。他們特別擅長處理複雜的多元文化並同時與各級政府進行交流。我想這樣的能力使他們同公共部門和私人企業工作時遊刃有餘。
James Cheng, 鄭景明
Principal / James KM Cheng Architects Inc.
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Hiring Choice Communication to help our department in fundraising for the Vancouver Art Gallery was a wonderful decision and the institution continues to benefit from the strategies that they helped initiate. Helen provided pragmatic and practical guidance to building lasting connections with many new donors from Vancouver's immigrant communities Helen's input was invaluable during the creation of our first Art Connoisseur's event and in building a Youth Leader's program at the Gallery. Helen's insights, ideas and advice came at an important time and have certainly put and kept the Gallery in a strong position. Her team is a pleasure to work with and they'd be an asset to any organisation seeking fresh thinking on donor relations in our growing city.
Lyn Tyler
Director of Development (former) / Vancouver Art Gallery
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卓思公共關係由2003開始為Aspac Developments 提供企業公關服務。他們不僅在各方面提供給我們專業性服務,而且具有創新意識。特別是在為我們處理諸如北京和上海等海外專案上,他們的工作很有價值。 他們的當地交際網路和對所在城市的瞭解, 使我們以高效和節約的方式達到我們的目標。他們總是在預算範圍內按時完成任務,並經常超出我們的期望。
Raymond Li, 李金貴
前高級副總裁 / Aspac Developments Ltd.
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我與Aspac Developments以及它的公關團隊建立了很好的工作關係。每一次到訪溫哥華,我都得到極大支持並且不斷地被他們的專業精神以及對待每次活動專注的態度所打動。我很榮幸可以成為Aspac的大使並與一個努力為大家創造難忘經歷的團隊一起工作。
Patrick Chan, 陳偉群
加拿大花樣滑冰運動員 / 一次奧運金牌及兩次奧運銀牌得主,Aspac Development Ltd. (Choice Communication的客戶)大使
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卓思公共關係是2010年溫哥華冬奧申辦(Vancouver 2010 Bid)大家庭中一位重要的成員。Helen Yu和她的團隊提供了優秀的媒體關係和公共關係服務,説明申辦公司把訊息發放給華人社區。卓思通過深入當地華人媒體,管理活動項目,媒體監控和翻譯等服務,協助申辦公司加強溝通。卓思的專業服務是溫哥華成功贏得2010年冬季奧運會和殘疾人運動會申辦的關鍵因素之一。
Sam Corea
前媒體關係總監 / 2010年溫哥華冬奧申辦公司 (Vancouver 2010 Bid Corporation)
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他們的專業性,周密性和在跨越文化差異上的見識,對我們成功達到市政府、客戶、社區和企業的目標,作用是無價的。我對所有從事公共關係的專業人員有一個簡單而籠統地期望:從頭到尾徹底執行他們的承諾。 Helen和她的團隊從來沒有讓我們失望過。
Ted Townsend
企業公共關係高級經理 / 列治文市政府
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