Census 2021 provides some very interesting findings. In B.C., 27.9% of the population states that their mother tongue is neither of the official languages (English & French). Whereas in Vancouver, those who speak Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese, and other dialects) at home is as high as 39%.
Today is the 15th day of the first month of the year of Water Tiger which also marks the end of the celebration of the Lunar New Year. Incidentally, it is also referred to as the Chinese Valentine’s Day, which means, this year, the Western and Eastern Valentine’s Day runs consecutively. Does that mean double the romance? This year’s LNY celebration has been festive and exciting at Choice Communication. Despite the pandemic, we ran two celebrations – one physical and one virtual – both were immensely successful and meaningful, with charity components. 12/22/2021 卓思公關101 | 七點區分品牌與營銷的左膀右臂!公關(Public Relations)和廣告(Advertising)的本質都是服務於品牌,且屬於市場營銷(Marketing)的一部分。但很多人覺得公關公司和廣告公司很像,其實不然。兩者有互通的地方,但行業之間的差別不可忽視。今天,我們將根據7大點,直觀的像大家展示廣告與公關的區別,一起來看看吧! Picture |
Too often, people complain about Zoom fatigue or lack of attraction for people to stay in front of their computer or device for longer than the average attention span (which is shrinking as we speak). At Everything Goes Virtual, we think interaction is key!
The first-ever Virtual Charity Chinese New Year Cooking with Chef Denice Wai took place online while streamed live from a physical venue. It attracted much media attention because they appreciate the intricacy of it. 12/11/2020 Be Mindful of Zoom FatigueIn pandemic times, especially with the social gatherings restrictions extended to January 8, 2021, it is more important than ever to stay connected with your colleagues, clients, friends, and families. Celebrate those special moments together, apart.
There are Zoom events that you want to exit after the first five minutes. And it’s easy to do on a virtual platform. Don’t pretend, I know you’ve done it before. You don’t have to excuse yourself or find the right time to leave, it’s just a click away for joining and leaving, and no one will notice especially if it is a big group. There are also Zoom events that are engaging and you want to stay. What makes the difference? 2020 is a game changing year for the event industry, and perhaps the most significant year to virtual events in history. The pandemic speeds up the process of integrating virtual elements into events, yet without it, virtual events will still be the hottest trends in the next decade.
During the time of crisis, it is important for us to take extra care of ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Try one of the activities per day to stay healthy, and share love and positivity to people around you. Visit this useful guide for more information about how to improve mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Did the tank actually drive down Décarie Blvd. on a Sunday in Montreal? Was the family getting fined at Port Coquitlam a few weeks ago trying to do something good to the community or making a profit out of this crisis?
While staying informed and current is crucial at this special period of time, many of us may also feel like being dragged down to the rabbit hole with a mix of useful information, fake news and alternative facts. |
AuthorStaff at Choice Communication who are curious and passionate about the latest trends. Archives
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